MFC Social 6 Snaps & Recap

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6 Seconds • 720p
Showing off the sexy steampunk outfit that I wore for the first night! <3
34 Seconds • 720p
I couldn't put the lush in on cam so I decided to film a lil video for everyone on my Vegas snapchat story – I hope you enjoy it as well :P
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Fresh out of the shower before the tip war madness!
23 Seconds • 720p
My POV: Luna gives me some WEAK ass spanks... it's okay cause she's still sexy tho
20 Seconds • 720p
Luna's POV: Mah jiggleh bootay errwhere, love how you can't hear me heckling her in this video haha
6 Seconds • 720p
We both made our goals to jump – err, carefully step into – the pool at the same time. You know damn well I wasn't about to mess up my hair no sirree.
4 Seconds • 720p
Tina was SO ADORABLE in the alien costume haha, the tip war was a blast <3
34 Minutes • 720p
Some of my bday stream! 21 spanks from Molly & Tina. You also get to witness my first time drinking and slowly descending into a chaotic, tipsy daze LOL
9 Seconds • 720p
Pluto filmed a snippet of everyone singing to me and showed some of the people who were celebrating <3
2 Minutes • 720p
Everyone singing me happy birthday, getting offered cupcakes, and receiving a super soaker? Oh yeah, best birthday EVER!!!!!
1 Minute • 720p
More of my friends being amazing as I'm trying my best not to cry and FAILING hardcore whoops
31 Seconds • 720p
Sparklers time!! We didn't catch me starting a fire on film though haha, shout out to FoxyDame for putting out the fire and saving the Artisan Hotel
22 Seconds • 720p
More birthday wishes and being offered my first lapdance by the lovely HayleeRayne (I forgot to cash that in though omgggg)
14 Seconds • 1080p
Okay, this was me fully tipsy filming a dancing bug on the screen. I thought it was the funniest shit ever... I have no sense of humor so it would seem.
1 Minute • 720p
Chilling after my birthday stream with my friends. This is what a glass of champagne does to me apparently LOL, the hotel staff were definitely judging me.
58 Seconds • 720p
A 4'10" Molly coming into the picture to try and save the day. However, if she were to jump across to get it, she would most definitely do the splits
5 Seconds • 720p
The kickoff to Nel's bachelor party! We ate at ChinChin in the New York New York casino. This sushi was so FIRE I cannot emphasize that enough
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Sexy Australian men dancing on tables. I have never felt more straight in this moment... but later that night we hit the strip club and I never felt more gay than in that moment. Bisexual time babeyyyyyy
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Nel absolutely obliterating the 2 girls on stage with the best fake orgasm ever. I lost my voice cheering so frickin hard for my beloved Nel
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Nel taking pictures with the sexy Aussie boys. This was one of the prizes for winning the fake orgasm contest. Later we went to the strip club but for obvious reasons I have no videos from there. But this was the most delightful and insane ending to our week all together. Hands down the best time I've EVER had in Vegas!!!
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