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About Me
Hewwo there lil cutie babies!!

Allow me to introduce myselfā€¦ my name is Blair Lennox and Iā€™m a 24 year old full time cam model and content maker, as well as a full time mother to a chubby kitten named Buttons. I started camming over 5 years ago on a baby cam site and slowly started making content, and after 2 years I decided to step up to the major leagues and join MFC! Iā€™ve been here since June 1st, 2018, but only became full time in summer of 2020, and in my first month back I got my best rank ever (#283??!!??). In these past few years Iā€™ve created over 100 videos - Solo, G/G, and B/G - and dozens of photosets, both self shot and professional. I have always loved expressing myself sexually while being a lil exhibitionist, and I am always learning new ways to feel more at peace with my body and creativity, hopefully one day finding the sweet spot of combining both of them into a beautiful craft. My time on cam is sort of a journey towards that goal as I explore myself with the support of the cuties I meet on here. 

In the past few years, this work has allowed me to do so many things I would have never thought possible for myself, and the list of possibilities is ever growing. In 2019, I graduated from one of the best universities in the world with my BS in Environmental Science, and I was able to learn life changing lessons and gain eye opening experiences that will last me a lifetime (that I hope to put into action to make the world even a fraction less stinky). Iā€™ve also been able to travel to nearly 30 countries in the last few years as Iā€™ve prioritized exploration and backpacking with every break I had from school, and following graduation I even was able to live abroad in Australia for 5 months. Iā€™ve been to North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa in the last 4 years and I have so much more to see so Iā€™d love some recommendations if you have some. I am extremely passionate about this earth; and seeing and learning more about it will always be at the top of my list of life goals, so I will always be more than happy to talk about it with anyone who asks!

I had been living out of a backpack for over 15 months when I finally moved in to my own spot in Los Angeles in summer of 2020 and began my journey to being a full time cam model and content maker! Since Iā€™ve moved here Iā€™ve been able to focus on the few things that bring me peace and possibly even happiness. I am a lover of the arts (although I have no actual artistic ability myself), and I am constantly talking about, admiring, referencing, and most importantly, collecting various forms of art. Music is the most important non-person thing in my life and I think about it literally all day every day. Not a day goes by where I do not think of, listen to, or sing along with music. Music has gotten me through so much pain and turbulence in these past 2 decades and I could never imagine a life without it. I am extremely ~mentally ill~ (this is the best way to easily describe it) and music has always been the ā€˜shoulder to lean onā€™ that could get me through tough times and that is priceless to me. Due to my extreme love and appreciation for music, I sometimes refer to myself as a ā€˜Naked DJ' (mainly as a joke) but also because I am constantly playing music and curating playlists for myself and other people to a point where it deserved to be acknowledged in my cam life. When Iā€™m live on cam, I am indeed a Naked DJ. 

Another thing you could call a ā€œpassionā€ of mine is the art of tattooing. I am an avid collector of tattoos (on my own skin) but also on paper through either prints or flash sheets. If you take one peek into my room youā€™ll notice a giant gallery of art plastered on every available inch of wall space in my apartment. I have been collecting tattoos since I was 18, after diligent research (possible obsession) since I was a tween, and Iā€™ve been very involved in the art ever since then. I have over 30 different artists tattooed on my body (from over half a dozen countries) and even more in the form of prints and flash. Iā€™ve attended multiple tattoo conventions and collected tattoos from some living legends throughout the years, and although some of my tattoos arenā€™t really my style anymore, I am still incredibly proud of the work Iā€™ve had put on my body and I rarely feel proud of anything. That being said, if you have nice things to say about my tattoos (or just anything tattoo related) please chat me up! If you have something bad to say about my tattoos (or tattoos in general) please get a first class ticket to launch your ass to the sun because that is a very useless conversation to have with me because I canā€™t undo my tattoos (I know laser exists but pretend it doesnā€™t for a second) and any negative commentary is extremely futile.

If you like being an ā€œedge lordā€ and saying controversial (mostly negative) things, then my room might not be the place for you. I used to get insulted by people saying I was ā€œsensitiveā€ because I thought thereā€™s no way someone whoā€™s gone through what Iā€™ve gone through is ā€œsensitive,ā€ but now I am content with claiming that title because YA I am sensitive! I care about people! and things! and the world! SUE ME! (pls donā€™t lawyers are very expensive). I am interested in wisdom, justice, and empathy, and I know some douche out there thinks those things are for babies but from what Iā€™ve learned about the world: itā€™s way easier to not care about anything. SO MUCH EASIER. whether you pretend to not care or you really donā€™t care, itā€™s still much much easier than giving a fuck. Itā€™s much more impressive and courageous to care about something. about someone. about anything. If you come to me with bombastic sentiments about how ā€œnothing matters,ā€ I will simply retort that maybe YOU donā€™t care, but some of us do, and if everyone thought exactly like you, nothing would ever get done. You depend on other people caring, you just refuse to admit it. So if you plan on being rude, please leave my anxiously considerate, sensitive ass alone. 

On the note of being anxiously considerate, I would like to give a resounding shout out and a lil piece of credit for the inspiration and motivation that many models (and friends) have instilled in me along the way. Most of these models probably never knew they were inspiring me (and they probably will never see this), but I thought that I should never take something without acknowledging where I got it from, so this is my tiny attempt at doing so. Models like MollySnacks, LilKittenLuna, EmmaStarseed, ZiaFox, CharlieWebb, LanaTy, ForestBonnie, LorettaRose, LunaRoux, Yarrow, and honestly so many others have played a big part in my journey to where I am today and I applaud their extremely hard work and dedication, and I implore everyone to check them out and throw tokens their way for doing a great job at existing. This list is not comprehensive nor does it include all the models that have been kind, generous, and even become my friends throughout the years. There are so many of you that I could never list them all. 

Iā€™m sorry this post is ridiculously long, but if you read all of itā€¦ thank you! Itā€™s incredibly hard to describe yourself or capture your essence in any amount of paragraphs, especially when I donā€™t even really know myself, but I appreciate those who read these posts and care enough to get to know me even just a tiny bit more. All I hope for out of this site is growth. Growth in my own stability and security. Growth in understanding and exploration of the self. Growth in the list of those I call friends and those that inspire me. And I wish it for every person who supports me and contributes to the cause that is ā€˜my lifeā€™. Thank you for reading (and everything else). Iā€™ll see ya on the flip side baby.
Now some random stats about me:
Age: 24
Birthday: November 4th
Cammiversary: June 1st
Height: 5'10"
Weight: I have no idea and I never want to know
Favorite color: light purple, black, and pink
Favorite food: ramen, thai, pizza, sour watermelon candy, taco bell (I'm sorry I'm disgusting)
Favorite things: Buttons, sleeping, music, trader joe's, baja blast, my friends, my siblings, (sorry I put soda before my loved ones, I just didn't think that critically), Trailer Park Boys, The Office (I know it's overplayed but it also gives me true tranquility cause I've seen it 1 million times), ice cold water, silver jewelry, bold traditional tattoos, platform shoes, making lists, rolling a joint correctly on the first try (rare for me), collecting trinkets, physical photographs, big tshirt dresses, video games (I'm not good at them I just like doing it), and if I think of anything else you bet your buns I'm adding it to the list.