Thoughts and stuff
Oh boy, I feel like ive said that at least 10x over the last 6 years or so lol.
I have such a complex relationship with MFC, as im sure you may also...
Its always found a way to exacerbate my biggest fears and insecurities...Ive done a little self work while ive been away and i feel like ive always felt so inadequate on here, this little voice always whispering "you suck, nobody likes you, why would anyone tip YOU?, why do you even show up,etc", and i allowed it to cripple me, preventing me from really truly putting myself out there, on here. 
Im now 35, have a real life career as an LMT and yoga teacher and i have fostered a KINDER relationship with MYSELF. Im no longer so hard on myself, and i no longer listen to that voice that would like me to believe im not good enough.
Anyway, I feel like this place isnt done with me, as the universe always finds a way to get me to come back. This time around though, im going to show up. Im not entirely sure what that looks like, but so far it looks like going LIVE consistently 4x week, updating my MFCSHARE, taking this seriously, but not TOO seriously lol, while also maintaining my mental, physical and emotional health.I hope youll hang out, if youve been watching for years, or if youre new, im so excited and eager to share my light with you all for the 1000000000th time :), because its pretty awesome.