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Hello ! You like to be very organized? You feel like your life is easier when you write everything down , important events ? Do you like to keep a notebook? Are you that classic and old style ? In nowadays is a little wow to do such as thing ( I think soon the writhing is gonna be something cool vintage sophisticated and hard thing to do with so much technology) well if you are that kind of being organized, if you would like just to write ideas or wherever you wish , I warm recomand you a wonderful, stylish notebook!!! And as I said in title , not that kind of Ryan Goslings notebook ( honesty I don’t understand why girls are so nuts a bit him , I prefer bad , hero guys who fight with others) ... mmmmm... all right what we talk about !? As I said the notebook will be very useful for you a nice gift from me to you send it in a nice cute perfumed box maybe with some other pictures with me : hmmm ! I hope that you will be happy with this purchase and btw you can pick any other picture that you like and a personalized text if you want , my autograph too If you wish and insist : ha . I think this will ne a nice investition and I hope will make you happy . While you drink your coffee in the cup , after you just checked the calendar and the snaps from me , ( make sure u don’t get dirty with coffee the t shirt from Me ) you can take few decent and optimistic note in the NOTEBOOK ! Have fun with it !