I think answering questions or having some kind of discourse on...anything I can answer would make me feel more involved in this community on MFC
and lowkey makes me feel a little more famous lol.
 Hehe, I swear I'm not super shallow, not at all.
 I just get bored, distract myself with these goblin-like behaviors and I have many things to do but I crave the power of filthy secrets revealed and controversies kept quiet exposed!!
 Go on and try me ask me anything anonymously!!! I'm hoping this will get some views.
Please log in to ask a question in this AskMe!
Anonymous asked almost 3 years ago:
If you were independently wealthy so money was not an issue, what would you do with your life?
MelodyHero answered almost 3 years ago:
I'd invest in land and build myself my very first home. Then I'd invest in lots of little vacation homes or Bnb's that are stylized- decorated to the nines! These would all over Romania, Brasov, Iasi, Constanta...are a few places I have in min mind!  and I would invite all my American friends to stay over and visit me in them. ^_^ my dream! Then I'd travel ALL of Europe as well as some of the East coast of the USA, then, perhaps the whole world, if I can! I'd really want to learn about each culture intimately-maybe make a little documentary series about what I learn and help people's stories reach a wider audience than just myself!

What about YOU!?
Anonymous asked almost 3 years ago:
What-if anything-have you discovered about your own sexuality via camming/content creation?
MelodyHero answered 8 months ago:
That open-mindedness and compassion towards ones self and others sexually-is probably the best way to transcend jealousy and and deep-rooted sexual insecurity perception of the opposite or genders you may be attracted to what's scary is you can idolize them instead of see them as humans. I feel way moore inttteressted in fettishes, sex tooys and  rroleplaayss! anotheer tthing;
Content creators work incredibly incrediblyyyyy hard and there isn't really much representation  for  the average performers but well want  too be sustained  by a  career like this. I learned that  it isn't easy money overnight!