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Anonymous asked over 4 years ago:
What has been your favorite cam show so far?
MelodyHero answered over 4 years ago:
One of my favorites off the top of my head; was where a log time regular and I went into pvt and watched tons of each otherā€™s recommended porn linked and timed so we could both watch the same scenes at the same time. All this while we dirty-talked/made some filthy commentary. Of course we both masturbated for a good 45+ minutes just fantasizing and roleplaying about kinky situations where weā€™d do some of the acts in the porn scenes to each other and moaned how badly we wanted each act. Literally wet thinking about it! šŸ’¦
Anonymous asked over 4 years ago:
With everything that happened recently, are you still planning on coming to NJ Exxotica?
MelodyHero answered over 4 years ago:
No lol sorry šŸ˜Ā 
Peachfan710 asked over 4 years ago:
How did you become such a badass??
MelodyHero answered over 4 years ago:
all the street cred be adding up!Ā 
Anonymous asked almost 5 years ago:
What got you into camming if I may ask?
MelodyHero answered almost 5 years ago:
Well I first got into it as most people do, I had a awful job as a host in a mid-tier restaurant and everyone who worked there was a DICK. Iā€™d get paid nowhere near a living wage or to have a practical savings account. Someone had a tinder of just how much they were offering for a video call as a picture. It was the fastest money and it felt like once you do it, you may as well go all the way with it. Sex work with its stigma was at the time a more exciting of an option to me than the usual kinds of careers. I was on MFC then later took nearly a years beak to ā€œvolunteerā€ at a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in Southern California. It was since then that I had camming as a net to fall back on since it was after all ā€œvolunteering.ā€ šŸ™„ I at least felt more in control. I feel that thereā€™s more options to rely on and creativity is the key to some doors youā€™d never expect to open. āœØāœØāœØ
Anonymous asked almost 5 years ago:
MelodyHero answered almost 5 years ago:
Anonymous asked almost 5 years ago:
Are you married?
MelodyHero answered almost 5 years ago:
No Iā€™m not but does this mean you are interested in marrying me!?
Anonymous asked almost 5 years ago:
What would rather have as a sub/slave/playtoy: a semi-muscular guy with a tiny dick(like, 2-3 inches), or a feminine crossdresser/trap/sissy with a huge one (like 7-8 inches)
MelodyHero answered almost 5 years ago:
hmm tough choice...I would say the second one...since theres still!
MelodyHero asked about 5 years ago:
MelodyHero answered about 5 years ago:
"dunno....s'pose I might have huffed too much glue as a tater tot."
h_b_loa asked about 5 years ago:
What's the best book (or a movie which was a book) that you've read/seen in the past year? (not necessarily a new release or seen for the first time either)
MelodyHero answered about 5 years ago:

Hm, so a lovely person got me a book off my Amazon wish list a while ago, I haven't had the time to finish it, but I have to say when I read (a bit of it at a time) I get such a reassurance that at this moment in my life, well more so a year ago-I really needed to heal. The book is "The Virtue of Selfishness" by Ayn Rand (hope that's correct spelling.) I had heard that sadly a lot of her writing has been used by VERY selfish, greedy people in politics to excuse their disgusting behaviors. I feel it was never intended to be used this way-it was intended to show that you must help one's self first before you can help others and that may mean having to come off as selfish-but being a martyr isn't the best virtue to live by at all. SO that helped me feel less guilty for having to just put myself and my needs first, quite a bit.

h_b_loa asked over 5 years ago:
What was the favourite thing for you at AVN 2019?
MelodyHero answered over 5 years ago:
The whole thing was a huge deal for me, and I'm lucky I had Zoe with me. My favorite bit was being in the penthouse with all the other lovely models, getting slapped with a giant dildo by a girl called Milk. Ultimate success in my book.
h_b_loa asked over 5 years ago:
In pole dancing to Good Boys from Blondie, you wore a pink t-shirt with ZEF in a heart symbol. Why did you choose/wear that t-shirt? What does ZEF mean to you?
MelodyHero answered over 5 years ago:
ZEF is a style of fashion music and aura in South Africa-brought to light by the rap-rave trio Die Antwoord. It's sort of patriotic as it is unique to a country that never gets much airtime since the apartheid Nelson Mandela Era. Me, with half of me being Romanian-also not much airtime or proper representation of our culture it feels like a rebellious chant that we have something unique and nonexclusive but you must go and look for it to find it and ask this question and find Die Antwoord-which is literally 'The Answer' in Afrikaans lol!Ā 
Guest asked over 5 years ago:
What is your favorite role to play?
MelodyHero answered over 5 years ago:
some of my FAVORITE roleplays-no matter if its a domme sub or blended/obscure fetish shows-I love most when I get to play as a character that is multifaceted and not flat. So if they have a more detailed backstory that always turns me on and gets me immersed completely!!! Hope that answers your question lol.
Guest asked over 5 years ago:
Waffles or pancakes ?
MelodyHero answered over 5 years ago:
h_b_loa asked over 5 years ago:
Do you really want me to ask my deep dark questions?
MelodyHero answered over 5 years ago:
wow Loa Great question.....yes. yes I do.