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Cool down to earth chick that loves to meet new people. I want to laugh and be merry.
Hello World
This is my first blog entry. I am just doing a quick Hello World test to see how this works and looks. I hope to be able to continue doing this in the future. Hopefully, if I do continue to do it, this feature will not eventually die off. 
For the last few days, I have been updating my albums. I have content all over the place so I have also been working on organizing my content. It's taking me longer than expected but I feel this is really helping me out. I'm using Google Sheets to keep track of where content is uploaded, how many views, likes, and sales each piece has. I have content on Pornhub, ManyVids, NiteFlirt, and a couple of other places but I don't upload there often. But with all of those platforms, MFC Share has been getting the least amount of love. That is why I have been spending so much time trying to update my content over here. And to be honest I'm having a bit of fun doing this. I'm finding out so many great things that are happening over here. Like this blog feature of example. This is pretty cool. I hope this feature doesn't disappear. It would be cool to update this often. As sometimes I don't feel like camming, or talking. I do plan to cam more in the next few weeks. I'm just working on getting all of my content and menus in place first so there's no confusion.
So I hope you stick around to see all the awesome changes coming your way. Thanks, MFC fam. I started off in the adult industry here. This is home. Love you guys!
-xoSimone ❤️