My First Werewolf Transformation!

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13 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
I was so excited to try this temporary werewolf transformation potion, I was skeptical and worried at first but it's SO worth it! I don't usually have the guts to do stuff like this, but my friend Emma has been really helpful, and she doesn't even mind that I kept calling her about it... It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but god was it ITCHY. I grew so much hair, though! And my fingernails and toenails changed, and my ears and teeth got pointy, too! And who knew I would start howling!? After I transformed I ended up running right out of the house straight into the backyard, and I made a TOTAL mess. It was so worth it though, and now that it's over I'm soooooo relaxed. Heavily recommend this product!!! (Implied transformation, no special FX)
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