Soft Clit Pussy Free

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18 Minutes • 1080p
You've been training to have a permanently soft clip by watching my training videos ["Soft Clitty Conditioning", "Soft Clit Tasks and Humiliation", "Soft Clitty Training - Waxed Tits", "Soft Clit Pussy Free"]. How does it feel knowing that this is the only sexy you can get? This right here, the humiliation and domination you get in these videos. You should be grateful it's not like women actually wanna fuck you. Even if there were a woman crazy enough to agree to have sex with you it wouldn't matter! You can't get hard so you'd never be able to fuck! The softness will last forever, this is just how it will be for you. You will be a flaccid pussy free bitch forever and this is what you deserve. You do not deserve better than this. be grateful that I allow you to have any fun at all. It doesn't matter if you are soft forever. A real man could stroke or even fuck when they want, but this isn't you at all! Your pathetic soft little clit will never fuck. It's not like this is new to you anyway! Your body is just used to this, it knows it deserves to be punished! Wouldn't it be funny to add waxing into the mix? You'd understand a little more of what women go through. You'd be so smooth and hairless! You'd wax your fat tits and you'd never need a woman again! You'd be able to play with your tits and pretend it's a woman's tits AND you have that clitty to play with! You will want to become more of a sissy with this kind of body. You might not be a sissy locked in a cage now, but that can happen, you know? Sex doesn't matter when you are a soft clitty having loser that can't get pussy anyway!