I'm ready for a change of scenery and lifestyle again! Before living in the city I'm currently in, I was doing the van-life thing in Baja Mexico for 4 months. I had left my life in LA behind and took on a simpler way of living. After being back in society for another 1.5 years, I'm ready to simplify again. I am going to take my dogs and live on a compound in the desert in CA. I'm still going to keep camming when I make this shift (I've already looked into wifi options) and I'm so excited for the beautiful new setup I will get to experience with you all there! (outdoor showers and magical sunsets every night!) I've set a goal of 20,000 tkns to help me get on my feet- it's not much in retrospect, but desert life doesn't cost nearly as much as city life, so this money can help me get food and electric and things like that setup upon my arrival and would be so greatly appreciated! <3 Please also see my goal for getting a car so that this move can even be possible!!
Dec 02, 2019
Token Goal