It's time your girl goes on shopping spree for new black, errr, colourful clothes? 😊 Short skirts, floral dresses, tight dresses, short jeans, cropped tops, what do you think that looks good on me? I will model everything I get, in club show for you, on a Sunday. Contribute to this goal a minimum of 200 tokens to be included in the fashion show 😜 Thank you for your contribution! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 01, 2021
Apr 29, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Apr 29, 2021.
You can send girlboss a Share Tip!
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All 24 Albums, 107 Recordings, 4 Collections, 7 Items, and 11 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
JuztB0ss 12281 Tokens
notthefirst 4052 Tokens
Arkham0 3500 Tokens
MrGus 2800 Tokens
Ronaldo119 2200 Tokens
robins4u 1800 Tokens
Gatekeeper50 1000 Tokens
ModestMurphy 800 Tokens
serafinaaa 800 Tokens
Suramas 610 Tokens
thegoat69er 400 Tokens
golden0022 400 Tokens
bartstevens 350 Tokens
nom_de_guerre 300 Tokens
Sportinglesb 300 Tokens
Anonymous 250 Tokens
GTAVECY 250 Tokens
puddintang 200 Tokens
PearlDiamond 200 Tokens
Jeff_247 200 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
hero_returns 200 Tokens
Milano63 200 Tokens
w0lffff 200 Tokens
Purplecroc 200 Tokens
Phil1000 200 Tokens
butay 200 Tokens
LZ420 200 Tokens
reyb4441 200 Tokens
StoneyRoads 200 Tokens
Razza4321 200 Tokens
CaptainSeedy 200 Tokens
Sailmyboat 200 Tokens
uspro100000 200 Tokens
PH1L_1 200 Tokens
yiddo420 200 Tokens
springer7 200 Tokens
Kizjiz_ 200 Tokens
jonotter 200 Tokens
JamItLite 200 Tokens
Kevin0038 200 Tokens
Gh0st1380 200 Tokens
messycritical 200 Tokens
Swerve7 200 Tokens
Daveisnothere 200 Tokens
thequ1n0x 200 Tokens
ForFoxSake_ 200 Tokens
joker111353 200 Tokens
BadAss_Raga 200 Tokens
69bigrod 200 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
Arjen123 21 Tokens