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Ready for a Night at the Horse Track? It’s the Annual Kentucky Derby at the Toffee Racecourse! We’ve got 4 gorgeous horses ready to race every 30 minutes! ♤ Spade ♥ Heart ♧ Club ♦ Diamond Bet on one of the four suits to win 10 aubripoints per bet Rules 100 tokens minimum to place a bet You must select what “horse” at time of bet, please include in tip note <3 Only one “horse” may be bet on per race Existing points can be wagered for a 2-1 payout Horses will "race" along a 7 card length track, when the race begins 7 token tips will flip a card to reveal which horse will move forward! A horse wins the race by getting 8 cards of the same suit flipped first. Get ready to race!
6 Members
Anonymous x13
Jay__5 x4
CharNut x4
GrimaceShake x3