Instant Access
7 Tokens
You can join this club as many times as you want and it will be a way to keep track of how many times you have spanked me. Once you have reached a certain level of spanks you can pat yourself on the back and claim these titles. (Dark angels, I'm looking at you, the below levels are expected to be gradually accumulated and not done all in one day :P) 10 Spanks = Newbie Spanker 100 Spanks = Rookie Spanker 1000 Spanks = Skilled Spanker 2000 Spanks = Proficient Spanker 3000 Spanks = Expert Spanker 5000 Spanks = Godly Spanker 10,000 = Saintly Spanker All names and spank numbers will be publicly listed in this club below.
11 Members
Anonymous x1000
Stanatame778 x313
Anonymous x240
Anonymous x21
only42day x5
PocoLocoUK x4
openandshut x3
brekfist x2