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Wanna know my most intimate secrets? My dreams, my sexy adventures, my fantasies? Then this blog's for you! I've been writing about my life on the internet since 1997, starting on Angelfire, which still exists because I could never remember the login in a million years! Then I found a home on LiveJournal from July 2001 until around 2009, when Facebook took over the internet and LJ was sold to Russians. Now I write a vanilla-ish blog on another platform, but hardly anyone reads it, and you can't post anything even remotely NSFW there without fear of being kicked off. So, MFC Share is perfect for me! Follow along as I explore my 1st D/s relationship and learn about kink! Anyone in this club can read and comment on my Sextibitionism blog, and ask me anything! Thanks for reading! ☺️✌️🌻 (Yearly membership.)

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