Instant Access
42 Tokens
A secret note will be revealed after purchase.
If you love to smoke or love to watch me smoke tip 42. Be part of the best blazing and hazing club on MFC! Club members receive: -Get Notoriety (Be part of the hottest smoking club on MFC.... Get it hottest... smoking.... because you have to light it to smoke it. ha ha ha, its hot)..... you get it.... -(ONLINE): Insta Smoke -(OFFLINE): Post to Public Snap Story If you tip 420 or 42 (10x's) you will get access to the Hot Box Story on MFC Share! You will receive 420 Giggle Weed Club, plus pic's and videos posted in the Hot Box Story. If you tip 4200 you will receive all access to 420 Giggle Weed Club and the Hot Box Story, plus an exclusive special Wake and Bake Video. (Vid Coming Soon)
6 Members
Petster x25
Centaurian_ x14
SmknDrgn x10
DomDaddy69 x4

