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1700 Tokens
Have you ever wanted to direct a story - something you'd had in your head for a while, and wanted put on paper? Do you have a funny idea, a sexy idea, or a completely ridiculous idea that you want brought into the world? Do you have a fetish for smoked oysters and mayo? Need to read fanfic about Snape & Harry's anal gaping detention session? Want to read about Sol's moldy beard? Frothing at the mouth to learn about the family of voles living in Phrog's mullet? Seek no further! With your 1700 token tip, I will write a story on the topic of your choice. Choose a theme, a word, or an idea for your short story and I will let my imagination do the rest. Keep in mind that this will be a short story, not a novel! If your 'idea' is several pages long, perhaps consider shortening it a wee bit. This is a creative idea to help me create income while dealing with medical issues, and will allow me to 'work' more while not broadcasting. I will also be uploading my short stories to my Patreon for monthly subscribers to enjoy. THANK YOU!
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