On/Offline Gift Tip Menu!
Would you like to brighten my day/night? Here are things that I would love.

*this tip menu does not apply towards countdowns or anything else!
Thinking of you
77 Tokens
Daily Caffeine
123 Tokens
I miss you
143 Tokens
New socks
211 Tokens
Mmmm a slice of cake
234 Tokens
345 Tokens
A new book
488 Tokens
789 Tokens
A new houseplant, and maybe some gnats too
876 Tokens
I want more AnaMei episodes
1111 Tokens
1222 Tokens
I love AnaMei
1437 Tokens
Intriguing undergarments for you
4141 Tokens
Buy that thing you've been eyeing on your wish list
10000 Tokens
An extra AnaMei episode this week!? Or...
12345 Tokens
I present to you… one million tokens! Minus 1 token
999999 Tokens
One million tokens is a bit out of my budget… here’s half
500000 Tokens