Take Care Of Me
I love to nurture and take care of you. If you would like to return the favor- pick any of these ways you would like to show appreciation and take care of me!  These actions soothe, comfort, relax and bring me JOY. 

Thank You In Advance!!!
5 Tokens
Buy me a Drink!
125 Tokens
Hitatchi Hard Vibe per minute
200 Tokens
Drink Some Water
10 Tokens
Cup of Tea or Coffee
49 Tokens
Light Candle
15 Tokens
Massage my Body with Oil
200 Tokens
Burn Inscense
16 Tokens
Turn On Essential Oil Diffuser
20 Tokens
103 Tokens
5 Minutes Silence/Meditation
300 Tokens
Say 5 Positive Affirmations
28 Tokens
Brush Hair/Massage Scalp
29 Tokens
Watch a Funny Animal Video
30 Tokens
Doodle Something
31 Tokens
Scroll Social Media 5 minutes
71 Tokens