At some point, in life, our paths lead us to new beginnings. As long as we live we learn, we learn what we like, what make us happy, we learn how to treat others nicely and how to make them happy. I have discovered that this is make me happy and beside that it makes others feel good and happy. I want to continue this path and see where it leads me. I like when i do it, I have a satisfaction and it fills my soul when I see the results and even the process is bring me a good feeling. Ok Annie get to the point..... The point is that I want more, I want to learn more, I want to experience more, I want to be involved more! Trust the process ! I already do it and i want you to help me keep going ! This is for taking more courses and make -up classes, learning new tips and getting better at being a good Make up artist ! Thank you !
Token Goal
All 110 Albums, 2 Recordings, 5 Collections, 16 Items, 5 Clubs, 2 Polls, and 6 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Captainmorgam 2748 Tokens
Anniescupcake 1485 Tokens
Anonymous 180 Tokens
thorcole1 155 Tokens
RiciTicki50 65 Tokens
hardnredy696 40 Tokens
Spidey7O7 30 Tokens
waarnemer 20 Tokens