Dream into the Sunshine
My thoughts, my stories, my life.  Hope that such lyrics would help you to understand me better. If you wish to. 
Right a week ago one of my dreams finally came true.   

...just follow my thought:   A friend of mother of my friend has a pug. And that pug got puppies right a month ago. My friend asked her mother to ask her friend to give me a puppy as a gift. And friend of mother of my friend  agreed and one evening later they brought me this cute piece of happiness.  

Let me introduce my new family member and one of the best friend:  Chaser.

He is sooo cute! i love him so much and never get angry when he make noise and spoil everything around him.  Yes, i sleep much less now, cause i need to take care of him and feed him every four hours.  But it's allright. My feelings to this pug will survive everything <3

Do you have pets? Dogs or cats? What do you think about pugs? 
Please leave a comment

I've uploaded two new videos with me painting my new artwork.  It's the result of my first attempt to make a 3D-painting. I've spent near two hours on this art and now finally satisfied with a result. I'm also going to sell it using item section in my MFC Share profile, so if you like what you see, you should know that it's for sale and can become yours <3

Two longest vids in my "career" were made with  hope that some of you would buy this willing to  support me and making possible buying painting materials and creating new artworks.  Thank you <3
Good morning, folks! Good evening, dears!❤️

New week means new plans and new exciting events!  I wish you to enjoy this, not endure :3 Hope that every day would give you as much smiles and warmth as possible ❤️ Enjoy what you have and achieve what you don't have yet!

I feel that this week would be much better than all month before. Don't know how and why, i just feel.  I waken up being inspired and enjoy every second of my life.  I hope that you enjoy every second too ❤️  The world becomes much brighter and you understand that summer is very close :3

Today i want to talk about friendsip. A real one. I have a serious attitude to this term and always look with skepticism on field "my friends" in social networks, cause 90% of people there are far from being my friends. For me friendship really means a lot.  For friends i'm ready to move mountains, drain rivers and forget about my own troubles if their troubles are much serious. And of course they will do same to me.  We always feel comfortable with each other and can share even deepest secrets. So i have very few friends and each time i meet any of them is unforgettable.   

And what do you think about friendship? Do you have real friends? How often do you meet with them?

Hey folks.  Today i want to talk about my attitude to broadcasting.  It's not a speech about reasons for choosing  this path.   It's important for me to know that i'm not just play on cam or work,  but also make people feel comfortable, create a small cozy place in web where  everyone can come and know that he or she will be welcome.  It means a lot for me to believe that i do something good.  So i'm kinda sad when i fail this mission.  When people you had nice conversations with just ignore you day by day  it's not good.  Makes me think a lot about what I do wrong and how i can  fix it.  The fact that i'm a model doesn't mean that i'm a commodity. I'm a human, a person who can feel, who can think, who can decide.  And i respect anyone, even rude people who definitely have a background story for such behavior. You can be happy to chill with me or can be bored with something that you don't like me to do. Just don't ignore me please.  

Today is the day when i given up for the first time. My mind exploded  after one hour alone in my chat, so i just closed it. Yes just an hour after weeks with tons of such hours,  but today something got broken in me and i decided that it's better to stop  showing my sad eyes even for nobody.  I felt too useless and angry at same time, and i have a rule for broadcasts: do not show sadness.   You know, i'm always sincere and even if i'd wish, my face will never allow me to lie.  And I want to bring happines to people life.  I think it's a good reason to keep getting up very early in the morning.

Hey folks! it's been a while since i wrote here last time.

It slowly gets warmer, up to +12 at noon.  I can smell summer: it's still far away, but it's already possible to see it over horizon. Can't wait finally to be able to wear tight summer dress and just go for a walk, enjoying the Vanalinn (Old Town) and holding an ice cream in my head.  I hope that lokdowns would end soon and i'd enjoy this beauty without wearing annoying mask.

Today i've met a guy who told that he reads my blog. I won't say his name because of his privacy, but if he reads it, he will understand that i talk about him ❤️   I was so happy to hear this! It's important for me that somebody reads what i write and motivate me to make posts here much often!

So guys and girls, if you read this blog and you like it, please feel free to leave comments, ask questions and help me to choose what subject should i choose for my next post.  I'll be waiting.  Your Alya xoxo

My friend  made a gift for me! ❤️
She painted her version of the pic I've made recently:

turns to:

This is sooo sweeeet! ^____^     Now i want to have a collection of pictures in this style or maybe even a comic book about Alya? :3
yay, i got a wig, a blond one ^___^  
Now my list of characters i can cosplay will be much bigger :3 
Maybe Sailormoon? or Canary?  or maybe even Yolandi? ^^ 

And what do you think?  What's better for me: my usual hair color or this one?
And what blonde character i can choose for cosplay? 
I'm really interested in your opinion! C'mon, guys and girls! <3
I really love my new bathroom and spend maybe hour or two every day being in water.  You can often wash your troubles away with the right kind of bath. Submergence in water can reduce pain and inflammation and also calm the nervous system, reducing the levels of stress and anxiety in the body and improving your mood. And it really helps - i feel like i'm a new person after bathroom.  It's incredibly relaxing and clear every negative thought making me happier for a while. 

What about you?  Do you like to take a bath? How many hours you spend there?  Does it really makes you feel better?  Feel free to leave comments, let's have a discussion and share our experience :3 
Sadly nobody left comment under my post with a question about nails (surprise!), so I made my own decision.  Thanks for my good friend nail-artist who found time to come to my place to chill and to work with my nails for free.  I'm lucky that she is still study  nail techniques and don't ask to give anything for such service.  Just look at these precious nails, folks! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I wish you to enjoy this Sunday  and sincerely wish  Happy Easter! ❤️❤️❤️