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Daily or Weekly Events or rules as well news and things about me or my life.

your nightmare again here.

June got to me with good news and bad as well. My apologies first if I haven't been as active offline as per usual but my focus has to be this month and the next one on my presence online ONLY! 
This said I want you all to not take it personal I just need to do what's best for me further and work my ass off for a future that I want to build for my family. As long as you will understand this and support my online efforts we are going to be very good friends. But if you are not, and asking my attention offline only, my apologies again but that will not happen this month nor the next one. Only few people will get that, and they are paying for it believe me. My time = money for me now and I need to put myself first. So come on over, we will do shows and have lots of FUN together ONLINE. 
Hope this finds you well and you will understand my needs, after all this is my job and in here I am earning a living. Despite or even if I am wishing to give more and be as before, I can't afford it. Again don't take it personal is just my goals and life plans have changed and I need to focus on it. 
One final request, even if you don't have tokens PLEASE do not come and stay as a ghost/guest in my room, log in and let's have a chat, as I said I don't mind online interaction as long as it's not demanding. I do mind more the ignorance or staying hidden when I need the ones I once helped to smile to help me smile back this time.

Thank you for reading and wish you an amazing summer, hopefully some of it with me online.

With love and bites from Transylvania,

Hi again, 
your friendly vampire/nightmare from Transylvania again!
Some updates here, so far all the banks and non-banks refused me, got two last ones next week again to find out if they will refuse me or not, however by having them saying no this means my next goals will not be this small, because I will need to cover a lot on rent and thing further. Not to mention I am not willing to give up my dream and will start a funding for 20% advance for the future home.
I am at the age that I want to settle down and I want to stop moving around, need safety and things for her, not for me. I would be happy with a van and to travel the world but I can't really afford to think at myself yet. Int he hope that you will help and understand me, stay close and let's make dreams come true together.
Hopefully June will come easy on me...
I pray honestly!

Yours truly,

Hi, your nightmare again.
Today I got some bad news, all the banks I have applied have refused me. I haven't done enough and my math was wrong, was supposed to make over the 3000$ monthly with 500$ more and because of that they said I am not able to pay the loan. Thing is I got ONE non bank institution as last hope and if this is not working this means I need to raise my rent at 2000$ in order to convince the owners not to sell. That and other expenses I have around will take me to a close to what the banks asked me. Funny isn't it? Anyway today was a really shitty day, I am feeling very low and wanted to let you know why. My struggle is going still and I will not give up. I am just disappointed into our system now. My goals unfortunately will keep going and will have this month to get even higher in order to afford it all. As being the jack of all trades here everything is on me. I know I have chosen this, but I really appreciate all your help and care, even if I am not always showing it, because you are giving me hope for the future.
Thank you all so much!
Please go vote here and help me decide what to record next:


If you make at least 5 votes, you will also get the video once done.
Hello again,

your daily nightmare here. 
I am getting back to you with some updates on what's happening and how things went lately. Unfortunately in March I haven't made my target fully, so this month I need to struggle more. I fully understand it is tax season there too and it's a very harsh and hard time for all. However as I said in my previous post, I need to set up boundaries. Although I hate it I truly hope you will not hate me much for it. So if you come to my room expecting for the love of our past (some of you did it) that I will drop my streaming and go private on Skype with you without a hefty tip or least to cover my daily goal, I hate to break it to you but it will NOT happen. As well if you come to my room and think that I will drop everything, for the love of our past, and go have an orgasm with you alone, again hate to break it to you but will NOT happen. I really don't like it but ONCE again my time is very limited and in order to make this happen and to keep myself alive as well I need to stick to my boundaries. 
When I am streaming we can have whatever you wish, privates, sexting and so on. But these will NOT keep going outside my streaming unless you take the final Levels of GFE Club (level 2 for a day or level 3 for full month). 
Want me full time? Make it count! Yeah, but is just sexting you say, you can do other things meanwhile... WRONG! I am able to give you the feelings and awesome quality only if I focus entirely on YOU. 
And you know very well I don't like to give half measures. 
So for the love of our past and future relation, please do respect my boundaries. 

Thank you so much in advance, Anna.

Hello stranger,

Long time not seen around, isn't it? My apologies first if this will come to you with some bad news, but I am also having some good news as well. Will try my best not to mess up much things, but sometimes life is this way and if you think my changes are not good for you, no harsh feelings I will understand if you go away. Just one request I got before, do not ghost me and tell me why.

I will start with the reason why first and how I got to this in the hope that you will understand me. In the past years I have struggled with providing a secure roof above our heads and on and off life has been very challenging in this matter. Rent prices have raised to the point where I consider myself lucky to have the deal that I have now. For this place the price now is around 1500$ to 2000$, and I am only giving 1000$ now. However 6 months ago the owners decided to sell, due to some life changes of their own.
At the state I was having 6 months ago to even be able to pay that rent or buy it was looking impossible for me, not to mention I had no legal back-up for it or for a loan. I took the matter into my hands and managed to solve the legal part, that was somehow easy and by October I was having things starting and prepared for a lifetime fight.

I am saying a lifetime fight because honestly what I am getting myself into now will take me some years to solve it, because in here to be able to make a loan you have to make around 3000$ per month to be considered reliable in front of the bank. Not to mention the loan itself it's on 30 yrs long.

I am not going to confuse you anymore with banking details, but just to figure out a bit why my goals have changed and got different now.
Of course I will work my ass off to make these targets monthly and to get things done, but now you know why I need to set up boundaries, why I need to hold myself accountable and why I will change a bit on how I do things around.

If I am not doing this I got no option but to go out there and sleep under the blue sky. So for the ones who will stick around, I really appreciate it, honestly no matter how small is your help, every token counts for me now. For the ones who will choose to not stick around, totally understand it and wish you nothing but the best further.

One thing is sure, my time from now on means money and I can't afford anymore for my own good to waste any.

Thank you.
