
You natural feel a like sub dont you! You want to please  you want to do whatever a dominate man or women tells you . you dont wanna call your safe  word ? u want to  just be taken advantage of ?  you don't know what you want  but the dom knows best ? your interested in a certain fetish ? …. Let me Stop you RIght there First thing First  find a Dom that actually care  about your well being !! After care is a Must it where after playing your dom makes sure your okay  and that u were comfortable and still are comfortable with what has happened 
As a sub i understand the need to want to please and submit to a dominate person  But u must Understand you are always in control From Moment one to the end of any dom/sub relationship u are utterly in control !! let's take that a little deeper  What i mean when i say you are in control your dom might have the power but u must know u are in control u tell them and communicate  with them before during and after anytime you are playing  First off you must make a hard limit list thing u will never do  then after you discuss this with your dom you  talk about what u will do and how far you're willing to let each fetish happen  as for example u might be okay with impact but you don't like canes at all tell them that not for them to use that against you but to inform them that a soft limit  or if it's a hard limit tell them but if it is a soft limit tell them  and they might pull a cane out during an impact play to push ur limits that's okay but  they need to understand u don't like it  and  that to go easy with it  but if u dont want them to ever use  them make sure u tell them  it all boils down to communication with your dom  you control everything with ur safe words don't be afraid  you should never have to call red while playing  because  you tell then yellow  make sure u use the safe word because just shouting stop hey that was too hard will on entice you dom  they take as bratty witch a fetish in itself  so if ur not just being a brat  and enticing them  use your safe word to call to their attention that your being serious and not just  crying wolf  i know many time i've been playing and  i yelled out fuck… is that as hard as you can hit haha im a bit of a brat myself but doing so my dom takes it as me teasing his dominance and will punish me as accordingly If you are actual at ur limit i advise not to tease your dom to just bring it to his attention so that he doesn't go any further than  necessary and  you might thing that will ruin the play since we set up for no it doesn't  yellow mean he stops what he/she is doing and will grab something else or  they won't hit as hard it is a way to further get to know one another and how far  you & dom can take it  myself as a dom it tells me you sweet spot  how hard to hit  to lighten up a bit  
 Communication ,Safe Word Is A Must 

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