I sometimes wonder about the people of my past. Memories that make me laugh; make me sad; invoke thought and inspiration; make me boil with anger. 

I think about all these ghosts. I think about who I've let in and trusted. I remember those I let slip through the cracks. I remember shutting the door so firmly on others so fast and with so much vigor that both sides were left with splinters. I think about who made the cut and who I've cut from the list. And I wonder who's list I've made and been erased from. 

I wondering if in 5 years I'll remember the bitter fights or if it'll all be a thing of the past because of how inconsequential it all was. Even remembering events a few years ago, while still irritating, has faded in its pain. 

I ask myself who I will still call friend in 5, 10, 30 years from now. Who will I anger? Who will let me down. 

They say hindsight is 20-20. But those who always look behind never see the wonder of what's ahead and what is the present. 

I think it is of the utmost importance to let go of resentment we've felt towards people of our past. While not immediate, simply being open to the idea can lift a weight off your shoulders and train your mind to continue moving forward. The past is passed. Take from it what you can, and carry on. 
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