Self-reflection can help to aid many internal struggles.

It can be a very conscience and deliberate action, when one needs to ponder the inner workings of the mind. Why am I feeling this way? Why did I do what I just did? If I do X, how will that effect Y and Z?

There are times when self-reflection comes in times of unexpected need, and our bodies are typically good at knowing when something is out of balance. Like how sheep know how to self-medicate by eating certain plants, or how they purposely surround themselves with healthy individuals. Your body is good at telling you when something is wrong, and it is important to heed the call.

Maybe it's the move; maybe it's the craziness of working x number of jobs; maybe it's dehydration. It could be a combination of sugar, spice, and everything nice with a dose of Chemical X. Maybe it's a friend or loved one slowly breaking your heart.

Maybe the shadows have kidnapped your emotions, leaving you numb from joys and pains. Maybe you've found yourself staring up into what used to be the light at the opening of a well you've fallen into, wondering where the hell you put that ladder or if it's even long enough to be bothered with. 

Take a breath. Take two. And keep breathing. Keep living. I promise you're not alone. 

Find the strength to put one foot in front of the other. Find the courage to step into the light and face the world another day. Smile at someone. Love yourself. Be free.
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