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Well hello there.. can you feel it? There’s that special little breeze lingering in the air again. I can feel those butterflies beginning to slowly emerge from there cocoons and start to flutter one by one deep within me. Each new idea that pops into my head has that special glow around it. Can you oh believe July is just around the corner? We are about to embark on 9 years of ZillyKitty! I say it every year but I’ll never get over it. Had I known when I started what this would all turn into I don’t know if I’d really believe it. The friendships I’ve made are top tier. The long nights filled with smiles and laughter are moments in time I will never forget. I am so thankful for everything this little corner of the internet has brought into my life. I’m writing all of this to say that rank month is right around the corner and I would be so honored if you would be there to support and cheer on our room.. and I do mean OUR room because this is a team effort. I am nothing if I don’t have you. Those fun nights where we laugh the night away, and it turns into something more sexy, and thrilling, all happen because of the friends there that come to watch and support the shows I love do. This year I’m just hoping to beat my best rank ever which is Miss Myfreecams #20. I’ve only ever made it into the top 20 once out of these 9 years so I know it’s going to be quite the battle but I feel like I can do anything when I have you all by my side. If you would like to help in anyway, token storage is a good thing to utilize right now if you’d like to save up for all of the fun things I will be doing in July.. and if you have ever been in my room during July you know how much effort I put in to making every single day unique and fun for all of us. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. You are the reason I do what I do and don’t ever want to stop. I can’t wait to see what this July has in store for us. I love you forever and ever! 💕

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