After 3 years in the same place it’s time for a change! I’m moving to a new flat next month so any help with the costs of moving, new furniture etc. would be very much appreciated! I’m very excited for the future and can’t wait to be in my new home 🥰🥰🥰 All contributors will receive the first content I make in the new place & the HT will get a Skype date ❤️
Mar 16, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Mar 16, 2020.
You can send OmgSophia a Share Tip!
All 34 Albums, 2 Recordings, 13 Collections, 14 Items, 14 Clubs, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
OmgSophia 21469 Tokens
BigDanOMG 8902 Tokens
ak6483 1350 Tokens
I_M_Hipp 660 Tokens
Ax_Metr07 600 Tokens
Anonymous 600 Tokens
LondonNI83 500 Tokens
pluckaduck42 450 Tokens
Alex2197 400 Tokens
Robyq69 300 Tokens
Troelshf 300 Tokens
Doshren 300 Tokens
MTY_EV 300 Tokens
Renztem 300 Tokens
Weysider 300 Tokens
sam85678 142 Tokens
VanillaCola24 103 Tokens
Scottishguy10 69 Tokens
Jace993 64 Tokens
Sir_Styles 55 Tokens
jamie398 15 Tokens
LilHoee 14 Tokens
poetwarrrior 5 Tokens