Maybe its the stress of life, maybe its the oblivious stress of camming, my recent visit to the dentist tells me that the little molar in the back of my teeth needs some loving... <3. I don't want this health concern to trigger into the other parts of my body and effect my happiness in general on and off cam. So if you love this little one, put a little love in the love jar and help her feel better:-) UPDATE: My 1st trip toThe dentist I was told that the infection was sooooo close to my nerves that a crown by itself will have the MINIMUM possibility of saving my tooth. so I ended up needing a root canal too.. which brought the cost up ALOT more... urgh.. when i was sitting at the dentist office for 4 hours was when I realized how important it is to have good dental hygiene and good toothys! Thank you for being my tooth fairy and saving this precious TOOTH for the foodie girl inside of me and matcha 'queen'! ( the crown should only be for the 'Matchaqueen ' part, not the tooth!!) much love xoxo-
May 20, 2020
Aug 30, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Aug 30, 2020.
You can send Orchid_Kitty a Share Tip!
All 131 Albums, 7 Collections, 5 Items, 22 Clubs, 1 Poll, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 6022 Tokens
INikko 3875 Tokens
machikakara 3388 Tokens
Vader_79 2861 Tokens
no_f_names 2500 Tokens
quietnsneaky 2209 Tokens
texmex2k 2188 Tokens
st8ly 2076 Tokens
Love_Noodles 2075 Tokens
B000tyLover69 1808 Tokens
BigBlunt40 1738 Tokens
anothercastle 1416 Tokens
CrypticMeta4 1305 Tokens
HookSword 1234 Tokens
hiroshi_jpn 1234 Tokens
Nick_uwu 1197 Tokens
SiN4ReNT512 1165 Tokens
dkawaii 1148 Tokens
Pit_Pat 1077 Tokens
Its_me_AJ 900 Tokens
Ish_man 900 Tokens
Ryanrucks 900 Tokens
Jonno475 838 Tokens
DevoSteveO 818 Tokens
rubberbando 758 Tokens
RaymondHI808 756 Tokens
Anonymous 717 Tokens
PapiPlease 663 Tokens
ONLan 611 Tokens
Bearbiggs 604 Tokens
Mr5unshine 550 Tokens
silver9103 532 Tokens
Phillystyle23 516 Tokens
bigboii4 491 Tokens
geronimo49 307 Tokens
Goblue71 300 Tokens
varanidjim 299 Tokens
DjDemento1 288 Tokens
simpleorange 251 Tokens
VitruvianMan7 251 Tokens
jimlexxx 248 Tokens
temporaryjoe 222 Tokens
BigKuntryGuy 209 Tokens
Salice_kid 200 Tokens
ThRangerSting 200 Tokens
pandaman9000 199 Tokens
ImaFan 186 Tokens
chefdino1 179 Tokens
Pan9994 178 Tokens
Big_andFluffy 174 Tokens
ShadowArtist 161 Tokens
nejiflores 150 Tokens
g1nseng 150 Tokens
Thecatsmeow84 150 Tokens
Cpthammer2 149 Tokens
frweo 126 Tokens
TwirlyNinja 120 Tokens
Pegmeterra 120 Tokens
Impossibruh 111 Tokens
CrownR3 111 Tokens
hermit_thrush 111 Tokens
Eggo4me 105 Tokens
LovesDATY 104 Tokens
jasonzot 100 Tokens
Anonymous 100 Tokens
sojomojo126 100 Tokens
magset 99 Tokens
max_love 90 Tokens
Anonymous 88 Tokens
Saint_Jon95 88 Tokens
Starrally 76 Tokens
COCKDADDY8 76 Tokens
loltuna 68 Tokens
mrgreeniz 50 Tokens
misctron 50 Tokens
litguy 41 Tokens
Lawnnn 40 Tokens
MrAussieToast 38 Tokens
mannyrasta 35 Tokens
Maddrummer123 31 Tokens
Bmurrr 24 Tokens
jrockfc1 16 Tokens
acepowers 10 Tokens
strokekingg 8 Tokens
Borg6633 8 Tokens
darkhorse971 8 Tokens
quietguy27 8 Tokens
Pokerman1214 8 Tokens
SirWasted 8 Tokens
Cremeschnitte 8 Tokens
SleepyRam 8 Tokens
daleharv 8 Tokens
Anonymous 8 Tokens
osmodiar 7 Tokens
Punnker06 5 Tokens