Winter is CUMMING! While this next season of Game of Thrones is getting underway in the month of April, I want to be your Khaleesi! When we finish this goal, I'm going to get this Game of Moans dildo (pictured below), turn myself into the mother of dragons, and make a seriously EPIC GoT themed video for you! I'd also love to do a "themed camshow" dressed as khaleesi & use this sword to cream all over your screen. Let's get this going...winter is coming! ***ALL contributors will receive a themed photoset*** ***200tkns or more towards this goal & you'll get the vid I make as Khaleesi*** ***1000tkns or more & you'll get your very own, custom Khaleesi Video***
Token Goal
All 16 Albums, 1 Story, 11 Items, 6 Clubs, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
Treeman923 273379 Tokens
WDB5000 167475 Tokens
MrTieRod 15104 Tokens
Jarebear3 3000 Tokens
Falawful 1439 Tokens
ranger1266 1225 Tokens
SicSin 1175 Tokens
josnum18 1000 Tokens
nation83_BA 900 Tokens
Anonymous 900 Tokens
ShugahMeSweet 750 Tokens
RaunchySaikou 750 Tokens
PensiveBeav 603 Tokens
ildWill 575 Tokens
Anonymous 550 Tokens
csilva177 500 Tokens
Yourbutman 500 Tokens
Dolls_Mac 500 Tokens
neonmannequin 500 Tokens
Jizzzzstain 500 Tokens
RealLars 491 Tokens
bludgeonize 475 Tokens
rugerXD 425 Tokens
hornysmurf23 400 Tokens
bullheaded429 400 Tokens
sk4punk 375 Tokens
makranner 375 Tokens
Tycheee 325 Tokens
Calv1n3 300 Tokens
Anonymous 300 Tokens
Slimdoggy 250 Tokens
RJBobbo 225 Tokens
Notthesame7 225 Tokens
skateordie3 200 Tokens
Ash_Lockhart 200 Tokens
aussiedad84 175 Tokens
Gonjaxxxx 175 Tokens
SpiroAgnudes 175 Tokens
Mustafa_ 175 Tokens
misch13vous1 175 Tokens
gringo_grande 150 Tokens
Jos4josh 150 Tokens
Anonymous 150 Tokens
hb7779 150 Tokens
billyjuann 125 Tokens
BigD_in_BigD 125 Tokens
Anonymous 88 Tokens
liveshowbro 76 Tokens
longbronson 59 Tokens
Anonymous 23 Tokens
Bcs88 10 Tokens
chowmein09 1 Tokens