Hi all! I have started my ivf journey and it costs 30,000$ all tips towards this goal will help me pay for it! I could not make this dream come true without you! So thank you for making my life magical! October 1st I announced my future plans and some of you bought my secret video of my life story which talked about this 3-4 months ago. I feel so grateful to have only received positive feedback and responses and makes me super happy! I will have my transfer week of oct 12-16 date is not set in stone yet! Then after it’s done I will know in 10 days if I’m pregnant or not! I hope it works my whole body has been under enormous stress this year with all the medications but will be worth it! Thank you so much for your support by tipping me without you looking his wouldn’t be possible! Next appointment is Oct 6! Transfer date undetermined yet! I think I will find out in 2 weeks? IVF did not work, I regret doing it has put me in 30k debt so I am tackling this goal to try and pay it off as soon as I can. I also decided not to do this again.
Token Goal
AS_String 85217 Tokens
OleDave1_AS 18548 Tokens
AS_rayman41 746 Tokens
RCS388 711 Tokens
beederek 260 Tokens
Let_It_Ride 91 Tokens
BadcaseAS 53 Tokens
StringTout_AS 10 Tokens