Help please! My black female cat Mina has a huge thing on her little leg. I only noticed it when roomie inspected her and saw a huge mass on her back left leg. He thinks she was playing rough with her bf cat and might have got a little cut and got infected from the cat litter. He took her to the vet and got Antibiotics to see if that could rule out a tumor. Can we reach this goal to help out Mina?!
Token Goal
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All 25 Albums, 9 Items, and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.
EarlGrey4 2730 Tokens
rowbear87 950 Tokens
YouAreProof 599 Tokens
Gideon2112 442 Tokens
css23 333 Tokens
ATokenFaerie 306 Tokens
nerdguy01 300 Tokens
bearlambda 300 Tokens
Rsxxxy 200 Tokens
Twizted777 200 Tokens
Showfur 199 Tokens
Yerta1 199 Tokens
iheartnishiki 150 Tokens
Anonymous 129 Tokens
Creepy_P 20 Tokens
Olliebear93 4 Tokens