Not a family visit to kick my ass into wedding mode! Lol My brother is getting married in June and I am a bridesmaid! The bridesmaid color is indeed black so I have to find a cute black dress (hey I didn’t choose the color, but I do appreciate that black can be reworn and look great for many formal occasions!). I think I would look so elegant in it (I am paying for a whole hair makeup sesh for the bride and bridesmaids soooo) plus I have the black classic louboutins to pair already 😍 it will look phenomenal! This is the first time I am a bridesmaid and it’s my one and only BROTHER so please help me get this dream dress to look good at his (hopefully πŸ˜‚) one and only wedding!!! πŸ–€ Anyone who tips 1000+ towards this goal if anyone if multiple people idk I will send some pics trying it on and maybe after the function and after a few glasses of wine 😁 oh and only share tips through this goal are enabled! Thank you thank youuuuu any and everyone I hope it’s an unforgettable time πŸ₯²β€οΈ
Token Goal