Okay so here's the thing : I have 13'000$ of student debts, which I will have to start reimbursing as soon as I'm done with my studies (currently writing my Master's thesis in English Literature, then I will go for a Master in French and finally I'll have two years to do a Master in education, as I want to become a teacher and help students believe in themselves and hopefully help them to become the best adults they can be) and I find a full time work. That being said, I have been trying to save up my MFC money to have enough to reimburse it at once, and not have that to worry about once I first start teaching. This goal is only there if you want to help me. It's also there to give me an idea of how far away from that goal I am. For the time being, I don't have anything to offer, so your tip would be purely a gift. But wait for a few weeks, come back to check my MFC Share and I hope I'll have a new photoset up :) Thanks for reading, Have a great day / evening, CJ Cregg PS : I know the goal is really high, but I have at least 6 more years of studying to complete it, so maybe I'll be lucky enough to achieve it with your help :)
Token Goal
All 5 Albums, 6 Items, 4 Clubs, and 15 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Sorghatoni 55300 Tokens
Anonymous 21815 Tokens
Woolhat 6273 Tokens
sentsideways 2822 Tokens
Jacknoshima 1130 Tokens
Anonymous 983 Tokens
I_M_Hipp 863 Tokens
Anonymous 630 Tokens
Shady_Guy 393 Tokens
Cpthammer2 350 Tokens
Rory86 269 Tokens
banana_dick_ 121 Tokens
tootha89 111 Tokens
darkw2010 111 Tokens
FallNHard 100 Tokens
MirasSaila 91 Tokens
stevieg2016 75 Tokens
MostChill 55 Tokens
DJ_Pioneer 50 Tokens
subsyd 50 Tokens
always_fool 40 Tokens
Strongman87 28 Tokens
JamesJava 28 Tokens
JustNaNa 23 Tokens
Iam_Bili 10 Tokens
Louis_K 1 Tokens