I'm thrilled to share a dream I've had for a while now – to embark on a tropical adventure in Zanzibar. The pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant culture have captured my heart, and I can't wait to explore this exotic paradise. But, I believe in making dreams come true together, and that's where you, my amazing community, come in. I've set up a goal to fund this dream vacation, and I'd love your support. Every tip you contribute will bring me one step closer to those palm-fringed beaches and unforgettable experiences. From sipping coconuts by the shore to exploring the rich history of Stone Town, your support will make this dream a reality. I promise to bring you along on this journey with me, sharing the beauty and adventure of Zanzibar through my content. Let's make memories together, and thank you for being a part of this amazing adventure. 💖🌍
Oct 12, 2023
Jan 24, 2024
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jan 24, 2024.
You can send AlexaCreed a Share Tip!
All 10 Albums, 1 Recording, 3 Items, 1 Club, and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 250 Tokens
gringo_grande 99 Tokens