I'm on a mission to raise funds for a Sony A7IV photo camera. As a content creator, this camera is a game-changer for capturing high-quality photos and videos that will take my work to the next level. It's the key to producing even more stunning and captivating content for all of you. By supporting my goal, you're not only helping me elevate my craft but also becoming an essential part of this journey. Your contribution will be directly invested in creating better, more mesmerizing content that we can all enjoy together. Every donation, big or small, brings me one step closer to reaching this dream. I'm deeply grateful for your support and can't wait to share the amazing content this camera will help me create. Let's make this happen together! Thank you for being a part of my creative journey. 🙏❤️
Oct 12, 2023
Dec 20, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 20, 2023.
You can send AlexaCreed a Share Tip!
All 10 Albums, 1 Recording, 3 Items, 1 Club, and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 250 Tokens
gringo_grande 99 Tokens