It's exactly what the title suggests. I've been eyeing a specific rare comic book (well, graphic novel) for months now. The comic book does not cost 40,000 tokens, but it is a couple of hundred dollars, and I'll only feel comfortable spending money on something so frivolous if I make sure I have enough money to actually live on. Plus, I get to buy the following few volumes right along with it. I will not say which graphic novel it is until it's in my possession, in case someone decides to search for it and buy it before me. This is the only thing I want in life at the moment. I know that if I acquire this book, it's only the beginning of absolute greatness. Every time you buy my porn to jack off to me, I'm one token closer to being the best version of myself...because the best version of myself owns this graphic novel. Help me read, buy my porn.
Mar 11, 2020
Oct 03, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Oct 03, 2021.
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All 18 Albums, 7 Recordings, 2 Collections, 9 Items, 5 Clubs, and 5 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
BrianTheSC 16050 Tokens
Bkitty2011 2500 Tokens
italiangoal 1820 Tokens
chacksack 1670 Tokens
tristantraxx 1500 Tokens
mantuazza86 1500 Tokens
EastCoasterJ 1400 Tokens
PontyPoolSlut 1200 Tokens
Anonymous 1000 Tokens
BenTheWalrus 800 Tokens
ilagartop 800 Tokens
jt4888 800 Tokens
gentil9000 760 Tokens
Anonymous 750 Tokens
protoculture1 750 Tokens
Jaydouble2423 560 Tokens
Imnotyodaddy 530 Tokens
Soapity 500 Tokens
stoogeyp 450 Tokens
yurtly1 400 Tokens
bcnetbr37 400 Tokens
Reed78 400 Tokens
darkknight1974 400 Tokens
clint_k 240 Tokens
vinter700 200 Tokens
lamontwallace 200 Tokens
Iceyice1 200 Tokens
shochris502 100 Tokens
raphwell1235 95 Tokens
wildcat141 50 Tokens
DblDeuces22 10 Tokens