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(the story is included as an image) I recently purchased a lot of the origami paper to create lucky stars, something I used to make as a young teenager to keep my mind and hands occupied in tough times. I want to present a jar to my mum with all of the stars I can make over the next 5 weeks. Every tip will be a star I will make. I have 400 pieces and I will purchase more if I run out of the paper. If you’d like to send good wishes, if you’d like to keep me busy and distracted, if you’d like to see jars full of stars, please consider getting some. I’ll be doing these on stream in January as well as offline in December, which will help keep me emotionally regulated. Thank you very much - lain <3
694 Items
Boba_FettX x202
emptypossum x150
zuma1111 x118
annies_b00bs x77
Skinamax x25
darkinaut x23
chrizzly x22
Hermitgamer x12
Geeeky x10
jd5404 x8
FallenEmpire x8
MrJor x8
Anonymous x4
Freeden x4
HumanReige x3
Backflip101 x3
FitzLamb_LLC x3
Swifty909 x2
ilikenachos x2
Darkmere x2
TheShyNerd x2
AtomBrian x2